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The Ark Market



Regular price £0.75 GBP
Regular price Sale price £0.75 GBP
Sale Sold out
Type of Kibble

Basic Kibble

  • x100 Basic Kibble

Simple Kibble

  • x100 Simple Kibble

Regular Kibble

  • x100 Regular Kibble

Superior Kibble

  • x100 Superior Kibble

Exceptional Kibble

  • x100 Exceptional Kibble

Extraordinary Kibble

  • x100 Extraordinary Kibble

Kibble Mega Pack

  • x100 of each type of kibble


The main use of Kibble is to feed it to a creature that you are taming. Kibble has a higher taming effect than other food like berries or meat, meaning the taming meter will rise faster, while also dropping the Taming Effectiveness less, resulting in more extra levels when the taming process is finished.

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